The public beneficial organization Chance for Education has targeted the following missions that are fulfilled by means of consultation and educational programs: help socially and medically disabled people orientate in the real world; get to find and know themselves; become mentally balanced due to the social and occupational incorporation.




Public Education

  • public courses, actions and workshops aimed at the problematic of socially weak groups, of medically handicapped persons of social responsibility, work-life balance
  • education aimed at increasing of knowledge and skills of elder persons, children and fresh graduates
  • educational consultations
  • information web pages
  • promotional materials aimed at informing and education


International cooperation

  • know-how, methods and processes transfer
  • cultural, sports and social activities
  • development of tourism


Other additional activities

  • out-of-school upbringing and education, courses and schooling
  • cultural, cultural-educational and entertaining activities, exhibitions, revues and similar activities
  • consultancy, expertise, reports, advertisement, marketing and media representation



Educational complex project for medically disabled people and their surrouding that includes timely lay and expert intervention, personnel training, consultations, requalifications, bachelor studies, incorporation to the work market


Educational and consultation projects for socially handicapped groups of people (young people leaving children´s homes, mother after maternal leave, work-life balance, people 50 +)


International cooperation: know-how transfer, good practise cases, consulting, education and requalification for medically disabled people and their surrouding, education and requalification for people in execution of punishement (Slovakia, Estonia, Sweden, Norway)


Annual Report


Annual report from year 2012 you can find here >>>

Annual report from year 2011 you can find here >>>


Statute Chance for education

Statute Chance for education you can find here >>>


Current projects

Support package for Restart 1  Support package for Restart 2 - FINAL